Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It has been awhile since I've written.  Partly this is because there isn't much new to report - I am STILL waiting for my next rheum appointment, and next round of IVIg.  Disease-wise, things are pretty much status quo.  My muscles have been really stiff lately, not sure if that is related to DM or I just need to be more consistent in my yoga practice.  No muscle weakness yet though, so that's good.  I've also been really tired, but again, I'm not sure if that's related to DM or just because I have been really busy lately and somewhat stressed so not sleeping very well (ah, the joys of a thesis!)  My rash is pretty much the same, except my upper chest is red and itchy, which is new.  This could be due to sun exposure though, sun irritates the rash so this often happens in the summer, even though I try to be very careful about sunscreen.  And it has been very sunny for the last couple weeks - yay!  My knuckles are still red and have been kind of scaly (weird) but that seems to have mostly peeled off.  And my upper arms are still red too.

So that's my status report.  Reading back over it, I guess it highlights one of the challenges with a disease like DM.  Is this an early symptom of disease recurrence, or is it just due to other lifestyle factors?  It can be really challenging to differentiate.  Often it is impossible until you get sicker and there is no mistaking it for anything but DM.  Obviously it is better to treat before that happens, but sometimes that is difficult - either because you don't recognize early symptoms as a disease, or because you can't get in to see your doc for months and months!  Ahem.  Or, if you are me, and you tend to deny or "explain away" early symptoms makes it challenging too.  I'd much rather just be tired like a normal grad student than tired because of DM!!

Anyway.  In more uplifting news - WE START HOLIDAYS ON FRIDAY!!!!  YAY!!!  I'm really looking forward to leaving school/work behind for a week to enjoy the beautiful summer with family and friends.  Although, one pain in the ass that I didn't foresee back in the dark ages when my rheum appointment was given to me - it is scheduled for next Monday, when we are supposed to be at the lake :(.  So we have to come back to the city for the day for that bloody appointment.  I thought about trying to reschedule, but again, they way her office runs I'd probably have to wait until Christmas.  So we have to sacrifice a precious summer lake day to fight with my rheum about treatment options.  Boo.  But what can you do.  Hopefully it rains on Monday (and then is 30 above and sunny the rest of the week!! :)

My hubby and I - so happy together


Can you tell I love to board? 

Extreme tubing - happy we survived another round!  :)
Anyway, that is all my news for now.  Wish me luck in my appointment on Monday!

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