Wednesday, October 12, 2011

24 Weeks!

So today is a bit of a landmark day.  I am officially 24 weeks pregnant, which is the age of viability (i.e. baby actually has a chance of surviving outside the womb if I delivered today).  So now I share the responsibility of keeping baby alive with medical science, which is a bit of a relief!  (Not, obviously, that I want to go into labor anytime soon!)

The whole pregnancy thing is starting to feel more real - and surreal at the same time, if that makes any sense.  Most of my pants no longer fit, and according to my husband, I now look pregnant and not like I've just eaten a big lunch!  (The pic above is from a couple weeks ago, but you get the idea).  Baby is moving and kicking more consistently now, and I now feel him/her occasionally when I am up and about.  But I can count on our nighttime bonding sessions now; as soon as I lie down in bed, s/he starts kicking in earnest, like "Hey, Mom!  What are you doing?  Get up and rock me around some more!"  This is endearing for now, perhaps it won't be so much 5 months from now when I am trying to get her to go to sleep!  At the moment, though, I enjoy this special time with this person who is already so important in our lives.  I can't wait to meet him/her!

A note on pronouns:  I have no idea if we are having a boy or a girl.  I really have no preference, and I think it will be a really special surprise when we meet our little one.   BUT for whatever reason, I just have a gut feeling that it's a girl - so sometimes I slip and say "she."  We'll find out in T-16 weeks!

Not much DM talk today.  Now that the first round of infusions are over, I am hoping to be feeling back to normal soon - so in the meantime I am focusing on happier things! :)  OB was very reassuring at my last appointment, she said the kind of low-grade symptoms I've been having are much harder on me than the baby, and that everything is measuring and looking normal.  So that helped put my mind at ease a bit, and I'm now just trying to relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

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